Saturday, October 22, 2005


Saturday, October 22, 2005

Seemed like yesterday when I stepped into AES. I had a mixed feeling coming into the school. With a PSLE aggregrate of only 225. I was unsure of where to go. St Marg. was my first choice. I love their cute green polka dotted dress and the all girls enviroment as I was not very sure about the opposite sex then.

When I first entered AES, I thought that I was going to have a bleak future. I am going to become a juvenile delinquient. Goodness, I can even remember being ashamed of going home on the bus as all the schools around my estate was the top notch schools like Nanyang Girls High, Chinese High School, Hwa Chong JC and the National JC.

On my first day of school, I entered the Ladies. The lights were not on and it was dark in there. I played with the switches, but nothing worked. As time was running out, I walked into the toilet. Suddenly, the lights came and I was shocked. Then, I did not know that there were such thing as sensor. Lol, how dumb. :x

I went home after school everyday during my sec 1 days. I was known for being really quiet or as an introvert. I did not have a lot of friends and I had this stupid crush on Conan.

When I entered my second year and got to know Conan better, I found him very stingy. Not my kind of guys, so I did not like him anymore. Conan, thought stingy, but he's a great guy. I would not have what I have today without him. Without his crappy and perverted jokes, I would not have become the outgoing person I am today. Without Conan appointing me as the class's Vice-Chairperson, I would not have been able to have the confidence and would not be able to unleash my leadership qualities. With this, I was also nominated for the Student Council which led me to greater heights. Conan also got me to join Track. Then, I was getting sick of the silly stuff that we do in Girl Guides. Guiding was not my cup of tea, I felt irritated and felt out of place during the meetings and I found it too girlish for me. I need challenges and thus Conan introduced me to Track. Thank You Conan.

Track and Field provided a series of challenges and a group of friends I never regreted making. I loved the crappy jokes Adil made everytime he was there for training. I loved how my body ached after a tough training because I knew that I put in my 110% into the training. I loved the smell of the track, the sweat running down my head when I ran, the rush of adrenaline through my head. I miss Mr Tok's breifings after every training. I loved looking forward for trainings every monday, wednesday and fridays. I loved running at MacRitchie.
I remember the very first training that I attended. Ying Huey and Vivian were the first few who spoke to me. Ying Huey sounded so sweet when she said 'Hi' to me. =)

Sec 2 was the year when we learn about the sexual reprodutive organs and system. I remember all of us looking forward to learning this particular Chapter 5. A lot of us scored for the test. I remember how much difficulties Miss Tan had to settle the boys as they couldn't stop giggling.
I regret not listening to the stories that Miss Tan said to us during lessons sometimes. The other day when I visited her with some friends, I saw how fragile she was. It was really heart rendering when I saw her bed ridden, unable to move on her own due to the immense pain. We prayed, sang and cried. She still misses us a lot. She misses her job of teaching and especially her students. Please, keep Miss Tan in your prayers.

Back to my sec 3 year. Sec 3 was a challenge. I had a lot of responsibilities to fufil and trainings to attend. My studies was a flop. I had a percentage of 73 when I entered Sec 3, by mid year, it dipped to a 60+%. It was bad. Of course, I had lots of fun in sec 3. The very first event that I planned under the SC was the Student Council Investiture. My partner was Edwin. That event was terrible! My other events got better and better.

Sec 4 was great. My best year yet. There were tears, laughters and though we got into a lot of trouble, but we emerged stronger each time. Compared to last year, we are more united.

I love 4/1!

Graduation Day.

The ceremony was a yawn. All of us just went onstage, shook hands, bowed and got off the stage. It was so lame. The only nice part was when the classes presented gifts to the teachers. And the whole 'highlight' of the whole thing was when Jeremiah represented his class and egged the audience to clap.


I was SO shocked. I could see the parents attending the ceremony shaking their head in disapproval, Mr Keh clenching his jaws in anger with his nose flared. The sec 5s infront were shouting 'SIAO LANG, FUCK YOU LA!'


Mr Keh's speech to us was so irritating. I cannot stand it that he's forever so concerened and obessed with our results. I really think that he should give us a break. He made us go through the visualisation exercise that we have done before and it was so not interesting at all! His voice is so monotonous, so stale, he does not inspire me at all. I miss Mr Marcel Lee. Though strict on some parts, but he allowed us to have fun sometimes. He gives us a break sometimes. HE ALLOWED THE SENOIRS TO HAVE THEIR GRADUATION NIGHT!!!!! Oh my god.
At least Mr Lee has a sense of humour, sorrry, but I do not see that in Mr Keh. He even expect us to go back in our school uniform to receive our results. My god.

I like the testimonial that Mr Chow wrote about me.

Wan Wen is a helpful and cheerful person. Always erady to render help to peers and teachers, she is well-liked by everyone. She has excelled in both her studies and her CCA. Being a sportswoman, she won numerous awards throughout her four years of secondary school life. During the Sports Day 2005, she was crowned as the Overall Champion for the sec 4/5 girls.

She displayed outstanding leadership qualities as an executive member of the Student Council. She organised various major events in school. Despite being such an outstanding person, Wan Wen remained humble and modest. She showed respect to both her teachers and peers.

I believe Wan Wen will continue to persevere and be successful in life!

Woa, thank you Mr Chow and Mr Lee!

I got 13 points for my L1R4. I cannot believe it. I used to be scoring an average of 20 somethings and now I got 13. Pinch me please.

After the ceremony, all of us had fun photo-whoring. The pictures are in my photo album at the link page. So do take a look. heh.

It was also Gabriel's birthday. Happy birhtday Gab!

After everything, they(Jacinda, Charline, Sarah, Eunice, Conan, Edwin, Vanessa, Shu Ming, Gabriel, Qin Heng and Frederick) came to my place. We had lots of fun at the pool. Photo-whoring and making home-videos too. haha..

The girls except van stayed. We chatted till almost midnight.

I feel that my secondary school life has come to an end.
Can't bear to leave my friends who have been there throughout these few years of growing up.

Less than a month to the O level already. Work hard now so we can all enjoy after the exam!!!


5:31 PM | comments (0)

Monday, October 17, 2005

Life After O levels

Monday, October 17, 2005

It is scary how fast time flies.

In less than a month, I will taking my O level examination. I have been mugging hard lately. I hope for a better result. ;)

I had a talk with Darren last night. He will be sending in the application for Curtin today. Hopefully everything goes well. Then I will be starting the foundation year at Curtin nest year.
Thing now is my accomodation in Perth. Will I be boarding at the hostel or getting a place with Darren, Daryl and Ken? These are the few considerations that I have to make.

I think staying at the boarding place will give me too much freedom that I don't need and I think I will feel kind of weird to have so much freedom suddenly. Of course, if I stay with the boys, I have to endure watching soccer every weekends since they are so football-crazy. I don't mind helping out with the chores and cooking. I can cook a pretty decent meal okay!
Laws there are quite relaxed, unlike Singapore. I can get a driving licence next year too. My parents will probably get a car for us. (haha, weekend trips to Frementle!!!)

I can't wait for the O level to be over. Mummy will be taking me to Perth to take a look. I'll be possibly be back in time for the D & D. After that, we'll be going to Shanghai. Hopefully, I'm able to meet up with Xiao Han to shop!!! Till then, we will have to wait for Ken to return and so we can all go to Thailand for some serious shopping.

I hope that I can start my life all over again at Perth.
Wish mu luck for the O Level! =)

8:51 AM | comments (0)

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Look ma, no hands

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Guess I am not really a wonder woman afterall.

This morning, I went to school for chemistry remedial. It was quite hardcore. Considering that the chemistry teachers went through 3 chapters in about 3 to 4 hours.

After the lesson, I went to KAP with the bunch of guys to study. Erwin coached me in A Maths. We spent the whole afternoon there mugging. Loads of people from school were there too. Jacinda, Juan Chen, Samboobpy, and some others.

After 6, all of us left to NIE and run. Goodness, I am so freaking weak. After doing launches, my thigh and butt region felt really heavy. And after running 400m, my leg cramped a little. I played basketball with Hao Quan, Shu Ming and Conan, and ended up getting my fingers hurt. My goodness, I'm pathetic.

I went home and later met them for dinner again.

I must stay away from prata for this week.


12:41 AM | comments (0)

Friday, October 07, 2005

reality check

Friday, October 07, 2005

Has been a really long time since I have updated. Thank goodness for Shu Ming for reminding me that this blog has been neglected for too long. ;)

Lots of stuff happened. Prelim exams being the most important thing. I didn't do well, but I'm glad that I've improved and pushed my R4 down to a nicer number. Oh well.

Only 31 days left to O levels, I really do not have much time left to work on my subjects, but thank god that I have got a bunch of friends who are here to help me. =)

I guess I would not be blogging much for now. So take care guys.

10:47 PM | comments (0)



