Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I don't eat chicken

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Who does not eat chicken? Chicken is the most common meat to be consumed all over the world. It is also the most versatile meat to be cooked. It unimportant if you are a Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or Taoist, you can eat chicken without any regard to your religion, well except the vegetarians of course.

I met this friend, Issac, a Hongkonger in Perth. We had chicken for dinner and he said this,

I don’t eat chicken.

Hmm, this is really weird.

Oh? You don’t? Why?

I just don’t eat it.

Lol, I thought because of the avian influenza, his mother probably told him to avoid eating chicken, and hence, he doesn’t. I can understand if you do not eat beef, or pork for religious reasons, but chicken? Haha, Issac is sure one of a kind.


During my stay in Perth, I had chicken for dinner almost every day. Darren reckons that since chicken is the easiest meat to be cooked, he shall buy loads of chicken for us to have dinner. He would buy the premix and we would just follow the instructions to prepare the dinner. I seriously do not know what’s wrong with him, but he always purchases the Maggie Satay Chicken premix or the Korma Butter Chicken premix. It is so freaking annoying okay. We can have Satay chicken or Butter Chicken 2 at least 2 times a week. Sometimes we would have Coq Au Vin too. Or maybe Chicken chops anyone? Oh My God. How can anyone have chicken for dinner EVERYDAY?! I find it absolutely ridiculous.

To deal with it, I constantly have to find new ways to cook chicken. I like making roast chicken. I stuff the chicken with chopped onions, garlic and butter. On the outside, I make a small incision and lift the chicken skin carefully, spreading butter between the meat and the skin. Lastly, coating the chicken with breadcrumbs, a few dash of oregano and pepper. Splendid, the roast turns out lovely with crispy skin and succulent meat.


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