Sunday, October 29, 2006

Not just a fire engine darling.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

No, my dear friend. It is not a fire rescue.

Alvin's parents were in town for his graduation dinner few days ago. We met up with them for dinner when it so happened that today was Gay Pride Day and there was a parade right outside the restaurant where we had our meal.

It reminded me of Chingay. Flamboyant and all, but instead of tacky and smelly synthetic suits, the performers (males and females) wore lacy leggings, french maid suits, PVC dominatrix costumes, loads of fur, feathers...

Dykes on bikes, I like.

There was this pole dancing performance as well.

Gay men wearing purple. Western Australia Gays and Lesbians (WAGL)

There was this huge party in a tent. Great music, love the vibe. It was totally gay.

Don't get me wrong, I am not homophobic.

PM Goh said 'Gay is Okay!'

In fact, I am more claustrophobic than homophobic. Earlier, on the way to the restaurant, we were kinda stucked in the lift. The door would not open, I was freaking scared out of my wits. Okay, the point is, I am not homophobic. I like gay people. Come on, my best friend is Conan! (kidding ;p) Alright, I like gay people, I think they have so much more fun and they are such happy people to hang out with.

I like Elton John, Lance Bass and Ellen DeGeneres! Ellen DeGeneres is one of my favourite talkshow host. She's damn freaking hilarious.

I had a really gay day. =D

1:25 AM | comments (0)

Friday, October 27, 2006

that time of the semester again

Friday, October 27, 2006

YES!!! 26 more days to go baby!

I know, it is getting boring, but that does not stop me from whining about how much I miss Singapore and how much I WANT TO GO HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 (to emphasis my point)

Bloody hell, I have been stuck in this boring shithole with weird tasting asian food, smelly boys going gaga over 'my hunnybunny' and a dull school life. I am sick sick sick sick of chilli crabs tasting like sweet chiili instead of anything else like what I get in Singapore. I am sick sick sick sick of the stupid bitch rain that decides to pour whenever she likes and gets me drenched and wretched.

It has been more than 3 months since I have last seen kwan, conan, shuming, charline, haoquan, and the other 4 million people, and I miss them sooooo much. I miss my red polka dotted bedsheets with my ten thousand pillows, the sticky humid weather, mee siam, orchard road, the fact that you know you can go shopping the the middle of the night when you can't sleep, my aunty's wednesday's visits, bak ku teh, chicken rice's chilli sauce, walking from kwan's to my place and vice versa, watching chinese shows, seeing loads of asians, smelly chinese high boys on the bus, cold storage, topshop, not doing my laundry/making my bed/wash the dishes/clean anything cause I have got help at home.

AND it's the end of the year! and it means summer over here in perth where you get annoying houseflies swarming around and they are really, I mean REALLLLLY irritating. You don't even need to stink to attract those vile rage-inducing flies. Come on, Daryl ended up swallowing a fly earlier this year. Can you imagine?

To think about it, one year ago I was busy mugging for the O levels with my amazing friends, got back in contact with one particular sweet guy who I had a longtime crush on, who of course, one year later became someone so much more than 'just a crush'. Well, the point is, one year went by so quickly, even faster than I can blink my eyes. And I am seventeen! And I am driving, tho I suck. Can't exactly describe how I feel, but I am looking forward to hop on the plane and get my life back.

Also, end of the year means Christmas, New Year, and CHINESE NEW YEAR and people gathering around to say 'hi' and catch up. Man, I love celebrations.

But first, I have got exams like real soon, so I will go MIA for a while until I am exam free. Till then, continue missing me and loads of luck to those mugging for the O levels.
It'd be gone before you know it.


11:35 AM | comments (2)

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Rather interesting day

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Went to the gym this morning. Did cardio then yoga. I enjoy doing yoga, pilates and Balance. Especially the Balance class, the music is great and I love the smooth and graceful moves. It's like slow dancing with some yoga moves. Yoga was great today, especially after I went for Body Combat class and Balance last night and I woke up this morning feeling sore all over my body.

Went to get waxed after the workout. It was alright, was not as painful as I thought it would be, however, it was rather weird to be half naked in front of a total stranger. Hmm.
Had a haircut after. It is my most expensive haircut so far. Like $85, aussie dollars mind you. The other time I had an expensive haircut was at REDS, it was about 50ish I think. The hairdresser was funny, he was so excited about today being friday, he kept singing and dancing while doing my hair. And he was like 'Your hair's gonna look SEXY!'. I secretly rolled my eyes, grinned politely and said 'TOTALLY!'

I kinda like the haircut. The side-swept bang looks good.

Shit, I look so tired. The top I have on in the picture was the one from Cue- the see-through chiffon one. I had like ten million people telling me today it looks great. =D

After that, I called Kwan and talked to him for a little while. Had to end the call when there was this freaky mother yelling at her daughter. She threw a milkshake on the ground and was cursing and stuff. She stood behind me and scowled. So I hung up and went to Borders while waiting for Cong. Met him, Sebby and Alvin for dinner. Had a great talk with Sebby while watching the other two boys playing snooker at PB.

Alvin called Cristal and she invited us to her mooncake festival mini-party. We walked over to the park near her place. Okay, I don't think I have talked about Cristal before. She is this extremely rich kid. She has a penthouse in Orchard Road, a penthouse in Perth next to the Sheraton Hotel. She has an unlimited credit card limit and a Mercedes. Honestly, I admit I am spendthrift, but she and her sister, Vera is like so much more worse than me okay. Like the last holiday, she spent 4 digits as well, but the first digit of the 4 is not 1 or 2 okay. At least, and thank goodness, my first one is a 1. Heh.

The moon was so bloody bright and round. We had fun burning lanterns and branches, eating mooncakes (SNOWSKIN, I like), drinking tea and listening to chinese music. Lol, we were all getting into the mood. Also, I was so retarded. I forgot what Mooncake Festival is called in chinese. I actually said Duan(1) Wu(3) Jie(2)- the dumpling festival instead of Zhong(1) Qui(1) Jie(2)-Mid Autumn Festival. My goodness, my chinese heritage!

The moon was lovely tho, with stars scattered all over the vast sky. Only wished You were there with me.

Have a good one.


3:52 AM | comments (7)

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Sunday, October 01, 2006

Mom and Dad left this afternoon.

They came to visit on wedenesday, to settle my accomodations next year and to see me and my brother, Cong. I stayed with them over at the hotel these few days and took a break from the house. We went shopping and yes, I freaking spent/splurged over 4 digits on clothes. We went to Harbour Town- the factory outlet stores and I sort of went crazy and poof, walked out of the stores with bags of summer dresses, Nike sports wear, summer shorts and some tops. They were bloody cheap tho. I got two dresses from SoHo at about 90 dollars each only. A eyelet shift dress and a babydoll black and white heart-dotted dress. Damn gorgeous. Got a pair of red flats at $29.90 there and when I went back to the city, I saw the very same pair retailing at $40. Good steal. =) I went to Cue as well. My gosh. I totally dig Cue's Spring/Summer collection. Got a striped bubble dress and a chiffon see-through top there. Totally screams SUMMER!

Back to my topic. I miss my parents.

I have not seen them for a little more than two months since I left Singapore. It is sort of the longest period of time me being away from home. So saying goodbye to them again this afternoon made me cry again. I HATE saying goodbyes, and I am not good at saying goodbyes. Especially to my parents. When I was a younger and much more foolish, I did not really appreciate them as much as I do now. I suppose it is because of homesickness and fuck, I have been away from home for more than two months already, and have got another 50 days more or so to go.

I kinda felt protective of my mom when she was over. Like when the West Coast Eagles won, the streets went crazy. The abros were like 'FUCK EAGLES! GO SYDNEY!!!' People were like getting wasted, flashing their boobs and stuff, so I was worried that my mom might get hurt or get mugged. Lol, My mom's like my best friend. Only that there are some stuff I cannot tell her, so there. But yes, I LOVE my mom. She is so cute. Like the oldladyish cuteness. She can get quite lame sometimes and I'd just roll my eyes and say 'MOM'. Lol, parents can be embarassing sometimes, but I think it is rather cute.


Okay, I kinda wrote the first part earlier cause when I wrote it on the day itself, I just kept crying and stuff. I was like in this big emotional mess cause I miss home and my parents, so there.

10:25 PM | comments (0)



