Sunday, February 25, 2007


Sunday, February 25, 2007

My summer vacation is finally over. Being back home in Singapore was truly wonderful, but I think it's nice that I am back here in Perth again. I actually got a bit bored in Singapore after 3 months. The perpetual rain, Orchard Road, work and stuff... Of course it is nice being back home with my family, Kwan and my friends, but yeah, it was a little wee bit dull.

But anyway, it's not easy summing up the past 3 months. I had loads of fun, seen loads of changes and felt an assortment of emotions. Ate a lot of local food and got fat. It has been great and all good things come to an end. I cried again when I hugged my parents, my brother and Kwan goodbye. I never enjoy saying goodbye, but I guess this time with Goldie with me, I hope I do not feel as much homesickness anymore.

At least on the brighter note, I will be back in about a month's time for the Easter holidays. I definitely should focus more on my studies and not slack around now that I am in a conducive environment to concentrate on this semester.

So yeah, to a new year and an new semester.

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