Sunday, August 19, 2007

Good Thinking

Sunday, August 19, 2007

So I’ve decided that I’ve had enough with the constant reference to the term ‘Critical thinking’. What is critical thinking you may ask? Well, theoretically speaking, it requires penetrative and loads of reflective thinking. Identifying relevant issues and assumptions, questioning other’s statements and thoughts. It seems like a never-ending process.

Our ideas, like out perceptions are contrastive. No one can have the correct interpretation of what an author has created. They said we are who we are because of the environment. And it is also because of the environment, we often alter the way we think and let’s face it, we tend to think certain way because of societal constraints and thus, they become distorted and inaccurate.

The perception of beauty- It is daunting how the media can shape the world’s perception of it. I like the little bumps on the chest, I like they way the collarbone sticks out. I think they look beautiful. Toned tummy, toned bronzed Cameron Diaz –esque legs.

Then, you have people who find Nicole Ritchie circa 2005 adorable, or maybe people who wants to have kids with Beth Ditto. I suppose it all boils down to what you perceive.

Why is there such a discrepancy?

I read this and this article about Google and fantasised about becoming a geek chic IT staff at Google. Bloody hell, they get gourmet food everyday. Love it. Now, where is my Turkey & Avocado Benedict?

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